If we were grabbing hot chocolate today, we'd have a lot to talk about. Probably starting with the bump in the room. Our family is growing - our little one's guess-date is the end of February. We are over the moon!
I'm feeling a ton better now and love the "honeymoon" second trimester. More energy, less gagging/puking, a visible bump - it's great. Things that I'm loving right now: Blooma prenatal yoga, my Snoogle Pillow
, and hot chocolate, especially peppermint cocoa.
My house is transforming. We've been up to our eyeballs in house construction since August and I think (knock on wood) we are nearing the home stretch on most of it. The basement is almost finished and all that's left is figuring out our carpet order. The electrician finished up last week and I'm pretty excited about all the light we have down there now.
I came home from a weekend away to find that my sweet husband had finished painting our living room upstairs. It's incredible. We literally have a different home. I'll do a project post soon so you can see the whole transformation.
Last weekend, I wrapped up wedding season. We didn't have ton this year, but most were out of town. New Jersey, Oregon, Ohio. This kid and I have been coast to coast this year all in the name of love. Since we were in Ohio, we made a quick stop at Kappa Headquarters!
Let's see, I went back to school this fall...for a total of 8 days. I'm getting my Professional Train the Trainer Certificate through the University of Minnesota (I guess that makes me a Gopher at last). What I love about it is that I'm finally getting formal education to back up my almost decade of experience as a trainer and facilitator. It's been a blast. And I'm a huge nerd, I know.
Give to the Max Day is coming up on Thursday, November 12th. As a lifelong advocate for women and girls, I support the Center for Girls' Leadership each year. Investing in girls means establishing a firm foundation for the next generation of women leaders in our world. We couldn't do this work without your support on Give to the Max Day. Please consider making a gift of any size to help us promote leadership to middle and high school girls!
Alright, that's it for now!