Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zumba Zumba Zumba.

It's no secret I love Zumba.  I credit Gina at The Finessista for inspiring me to give the class a try.  I've been going regularly for over a year now and it is by far my favorite way to work out! I even kicked around getting certified to teach Zumba this winter. Maybe someday! However, I've missed my favorite class for a couple weeks now because of work.  But I love my job, especially after we had a Zumba instructor come in on Monday and teach us a class!

Anyway, when I can't make it to class, I will sometimes dance at my house using the Zumba songs from class or a compilation of YouTube videos to get my jam on.  

I can never share enough about Zumba so I thought I'd try to put a quick little "class" together for you! Enjoy!


Sweating?  Smiling?  Good.



  1. I have been so nervous to try for fear that I won't be able to do half the dances hahaha I guess I should just get over the fear of being the awkward tall girl!

    1. I was so nervous too but trust me, you aren't the only one who feels awkward out there! It's all about having fun and letting go!


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